Cold feet touch the moist black earth. Wet blades of grass pierce between white toes. Slowly walking towards the edge. Towards the distance. The unexpected with a new rhythm. An equilibrium yet to be found. However despite the uncertainty an inner balance, a strong compass towards adventure. An unexplainable and unstoppable hunger for the unknown. […]

Through a beige haze we are diving head first from the blue sky towards that place on earth that is like no other. Leaving a little over one year ago, not knowing when to return. The wedding of my Indian sister brings me back to Delhi. This time my bag arrived with me, getting my […]

About 18 years ago, spring time in the Netherlands I had my first kiss. On a Saturday night, after some shots of Apfelkorn, outside around the corner of my favourite hangout. A very sweet Hungarian guy I had my eye on for quite some time. Now, 18 years and many kisses later, Hungarian love strikes […]

Amsterdam airport has a black granite floor speckled with shimmering pieces of stone. Giving the impression you are already or still in the sky, traveling through space. To far away lands and hidden treasures. I am traveling to Amman, Jordan. Open minded and full of excitement l stepped in the plane. Flying me from Amsterdam […]

The smell of airports, the smell of adventure. The cheerful chitchat of people ready for their holiday. The serious faces of the business people making their international commute. Faces showing a bit of tiredness from the early risers, mixed with a glimmering of excitement. A cup of warm black coffee, a book, and waiting. But […]

Do you want to know how love feels? He grabs my hand and pulls me across the hectic roundabout in front of India gate in Delhi. Cars and motorcycles start honking, swirling, and change direction. We run, laugh, and reach the opposite side. Adrenaline rushes through my body. I look into your eyes and we […]

A white page is filling my screen and my mind. “I’ve lost my mojo”, I’m telling my mother who is sitting across from me at the kitchen table. In my notebook about 10 unfinished stories. Reading them, adding some words, closing them again. Unable to finish what I have started. Maybe this is my current […]

12.192 meters / 40.000 feet in the air. Somewhere above Ankara. Europe is coming closer, the ‘west’ more tangible than the ‘east’. This chapter of my India story almost over. Before leaving the Netherlands last September, colleagues told me to ‘use this opportunity to press the reset button’; and to ‘embrace the unknown like only you […]

We wake up everyday, do what is expected of us, and go back to sleep, this is what we call life. We sabotage ourselves without realizing it, because we copy what has been shown to us, so we think this is how it should go.* A little over a week, that is what is left […]

Ashtanga yoga Mysore style. The primary series was taught thoroughly by my Ashtanga teacher in Rishikesh, but he would guide us through. “Baba’s, samastithi. Breathe in! Arms up! Utanasana. One more round”. Mysore style is somewhat different. You are supposed to know the series by heart, or with a little cheat sheet in front of […]